Interoffice Memorandum
DATE: December 5, 2024
TO: Mayor Jerry L. Demings and County Commissioners
THROUGH: Daniel P. Banks, Deputy County Administrator
FROM: Anthony Rios, Deputy Fire Chief
CONTACT: Lauraleigh Avery, Division Chief
PHONE: 407 836-9151
DIVISION: Office of Emergency Management
Approval and execution of the BJA FY24 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program - Local Solicitation Award Number: 15PBJA-24-GG-05331-JAGX, in the amount of $383,673 for the period of October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2027. There is no match required. (Office of Emergency Management)
PROJECT: BJA FY24 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program - Local Solicitation, Award Number: 15PBJA-24-GG-05331-JAGX
PURPOSE: The U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs and Bureau of Justice Assistance has awarded Orange County the BJA FY24 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program - Local Solicitation, Award Number: 15PBJA-24-GG-05331-JAGX in the amount of $383,673 with no match required. The grant period is from October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2027. The JAG Grant Program allows units of local government to support a broad range of activities to prevent and control crime, based on their own state and local needs and conditions. Orange County will utilize the JAG FY2024 - Local Solicitation award to support a variety of law enforcement and prevention-related initiatives that will enhance essential county services while increasing public safety prevention and educational programs. The projects include:
Orange County Corrections: Funding will provide a Trauma Training Simulator that will allow the department to provide more realistic and in-depth training services than its Training Unit is currently able to provide. The trauma training simulator allows learners to perform critical life-saving tasks while training in nearly any environment or weather condition. Training services for department staff will include high-fidelity simulations that offer training capabilities such as wound care, applying bandages and dressings for burns, arterial bleeding, impaled objects, sucking chest wounds, removing debris from the eyes, applying splints, and applying tourniquets. The amount awarded to this project is $73,828.
Orange County Sheriff’s Office: Funding will provide SWAT Training Facility Classroom and Defensive Tactics dedicated to high-risk scenario training and defensive tactics in a classroom environment, and can be used for SWAT training, mission briefings, and agency elective training. This proposal is for the purchase of 92 mats for the Defensive Tactic area and another 14 mats for the vehicle training area, as well as tablets and chairs for the classroom. The amount awarded for this project is $38,383.
Orange County Office of Emergency Management: Funding will support the Active Violence Training and Exercise Project (AVTEP). The AVTEP will consist of a series of training courses offered to law enforcement, fire rescue, EMS, and first responders to coincide with a full-scale multi-jurisdictional exercise. The amount awarded for this project is $65,000.
Children Safety Village: Funding will support the Program Presentation Fees for Child Safety Education Programs. The program presentation fees cover the cost for the Safety Village to conduct child safety classes for 6,000 children ages 5-17 to participate at the Children's Safety Village using their on-site resources and in partnership with Orange County Sheriff's Office. Children will have the opportunity to learn about safety related programs and threats in a controlled environment utilizing the resources of the Children's Safety Village. Program options include gun safety, dangerous person awareness, 9-1-1 for kids, and internet safety. The amount awarded for this project is $30,000.
Orange County Juvenile Assessment Center: Funding will allow the installation of a Youth Admission Queue Tracker System. The system in the Booking Unit will help streamline the booking process and ensure compliance with Florida Statute regarding the maximum allowable detention time for juveniles. A monitor in the Booking Unit will integrate the system with existing admission processes such as JACS and ICJIS databases. These measures are recommended to protect assets, employees, and information effectively while improving efficiency and accountability. The amount awarded for this project $55,000.
Orange County Fire Rescue: Funding will acquire four units of Portable Radios (APX NEX XE 7/800 MHZ) to create multiple kits to be utilized in the event of a large-scale multi-agency incident. This project will close any gaps in communication, or operational coordination due to absence of interoperability between agencies during any multi-jurisdictional/agency incident. The amount awarded for this project is $42,190.
Ninth Judicial Circuit Court: Funding will be allocated to hire one full-time person with expertise in the injunction intake process to provide hands on ministerial assistance to petitioners filing injunctions for protection that don’t meet eligibility requirements for this support through Harbor House. This Domestic Violence Navigator will also assist in the development and implementation of a digital form completion tool to produce legible documents. Additionally, the navigator will help us determine more accurately the volume of people in the service gap between those filing any type of injunction and those receiving support from Harbor House. The amount awarded for this three-year project contract is $79,281.52.