Interoffice Memorandum
DATE: June 17, 2024
TO: Mayor Jerry L. Demings and County Commissioners
FROM: Tanya Wilson, AICP, Director, Planning, Environmental and Development Services Department
CONTACT: Renée H. Parker, LEP, Manager
PHONE: (407) 836-1402
DIVISION: Environmental Protection Division
Approval of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Assistance Amendment Grant Number (FAIN): A-95450420-8 between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Orange County, Florida, approving additional funding in the amount of $125,000, subject to availability of funds from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, relating to assistance in the implementation of air pollution control programs throughout the County; extending the grant period for one additional year from October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024; and requesting authorization for the Environmental Protection Division Manager to make non-substantial amendments to the agreement, including additional service periods. All Districts. (Environmental Protection Division)
PROJECT: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Assistance Amendment to Grant Number (FAIN): A-95450420-8
PURPOSE: The Environmental Protection Division (EPD) has received a $125,000 Assistance Amendment Grant, No. A-95450420-8, from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) relating to Air Pollution Control Program Support. This grant supports the development and implementation of stationary and mobile air pollutant source regulations, improvement of emissions inventories for modeling simulations, and operating a monitoring network for collecting air data.
The Board approved the original grant agreement (“Agreement”) on February 11, 2020, which covered the period from October 1, 2019, through September 30, 2021, and a subsequent grant agreement approval on February 22, 2022, which covered October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2023. The current amendment provides additional funding in the amount of $125,000 and extends the Agreement for one additional year to September 30, 2024, which is the last year of a five-year cycle.
Section 105 of the Clean Air Act authorizes the federal government to provide grants to local governments to implement programs to prevent and control air pollution and address primary and secondary ambient air quality standards. For many years, EPD has been a recipient of Section 105 grants, which provide a significant amount of supplemental funding for Air Quality Management Program services such as air permitting, compliance inspections, and ambient air monitoring. This grant coincides with the Specific Operating Agreement (SOA) between the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Orange County that was approved by the Board on April 9, 2024. The SOA defines the scope of services that EPD will provide as a designated local air program.
With the addition of the $125,000 Assistance Amendment, the total five-year project budget will be $2,322,426. EPA agrees to cost share 53.97% of all approved budget period costs incurred up to $1,139,492 ($1,014,492 for the previous period and $125,000 as the initial award for the additional one-year period). The County is required to contribute 46.03%, or up to $1,069,120 ($857,888 for the previous period and $211,232 for the one-year period) as part of the required grant match. The match requirements will be satisfied by using the County’s share of the air tag fee revenues, which typically exceed the match requirement by a significant amount. EPD is not requesting additional funding or additional staff as part of this grant. Future awards are dependent upon the fulfillment of the Agreement conditions and are subject to the availability of federal funding.
It is also requested that the EPD Manager be granted authorization to make non-substantial amendments to the agreement, including additional service periods, subject to availability of funds from the EPA. As indicated in the Notice of Award, a representative from Orange County is not required to sign the agreement. The County’s commitment to carry out this award is demonstrated by either drawing down the funds or not filing a notice of disagreement with the award terms and conditions within stipulated timeframes.
Grant No. A-95450420-8 has been reviewed by the County Attorney’s Office and the County Grants Oversight Committee.