Interoffice Memorandum
DATE: December 16, 2024
TO: Mayor Jerry L. Demings and County Commissioners
THROUGH: Anne Kulikowski, Director, Administrative Services Department
FROM: Sara Flynn-Kramer, Manager, Capital Projects Division
CONTACT: Sara Flynn-Kramer
PHONE: 407-836-0048
DIVISION: Capital Projects Division
Approval of Change Order No 2, Purchase Order M104816 Fire Station #48, with Architects Design Group Inc in the amount of $99,701.12, for a revised lump sum contract amount of $405,836.91. District 1. (Capital Projects Division)
PROJECT: Fire Station #48
PURPOSE: To provide funding for additional design services to complete the capital improvements.
BUDGET: Accounting Line Number: 1046-034-0808-6210
This change order is to provide additional professional design services for the extension of the Orange County Utilities 16” water line within the right of way down Avalon Road to the Fire Station #48 site, produce a hydraulic report, provide plans for the directional drilling under the roadway, prepare applications for all state and local permitting, and design the maintenance of traffic plans. When the original design purchase order was issued, the extent of the off-site work that would be required was unknown. This additional design effort also includes some architectural design options and renderings to evaluate the front entrance of the fire station as it relates to the street, as requested by the Fire Rescue Department.
The Purchase Order award was approved on August 10, 2021.
Original Purchase Order dated July 20, 2021 Lump sum amount - $ 257,120.80
Change Order No. 1 dated June 17, 2024 Lump sum amount - $ 49,014.99
Mirror the design so that fire trucks will exit from
the front of the station
Proposed Change Order No. 2 Lump sum amount - $ 99,701.12
Additional design services for renderings of the front
entrance and the extension of the 16” water line down
Avalon Road
Proposed Final Purchase Order Amount $ 405,836.91