The Clerk of the Board is responsible for keeping accurate minutes and maintaining Board records for each Board of County Commissioner (BCC) and Value Adjustment Board (VAB) meeting. In addition, every 4 years, the Clerk of the Board office provides staff support to the Charter Review Commission (CRC) appointed by the BCC. Please contact our office if you need an accessible version of documents on this page, and one will be provided.
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1. To search BCC records by meeting date and/or a specific term between September 23, 1869 and December 14, 2010, view the 'BCC Meetings' page.
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5. To search CRC regular business meeting records by a specific term between February 25, 2019 through Present, select the 'Search Records' tab.
File #:
On agenda:
Final action:
Approval to record the Right-of-Way Declaration and Maintenance Map for South Tanner Road. District 5. (Roads and Drainage Division)
Interoffice Memorandum
DATE: February 18, 2025
TO: Mayor Jerry L. Demings and County Commissioners
FROM: Joseph C. Kunkel, P.E., Director, Public Works Department
CONTACT: Eduardo Avellaneda, P.E., Manager
PHONE: (407) 836-7871
DIVISION: Roads and Drainage Division
Approval to record the Right-of-Way Declaration and Maintenance Map for South Tanner Road. District 5. (Roads and Drainage Division)
PURPOSE: South Tanner Road is a County maintained road that runs approximately 1.56 miles from Lake Pickett Road to East Colonial Drive and lacks the benefit of any dedicated public right-of-way along the length of the road. The Roads and Drainage Division has a long documented history of maintaining this section of right-of-way and in accordance with Florida Statutes, Section 95.361, when a County or Municipality regularly maintains or repairs a road for the immediate past seven years, such road shall be deemed to be dedicated to the public to the length and width that was actually maintained. In accordance with this Statute and based on our records, Public Works has prepared a maintenance map depicting the area of South Tanner Road that has been maintained by the County. Approval and recording of this plat map will vest all right, title, and easement over this section of road to Orange County.