File #:
On agenda:
Final action:
1. Receipt of the following items to file for the record: (Clerk’s Office)
a. City of Orlando Council Agenda Item for the meeting of November 7, 2022. City of Orlando Ordinance 2022-65 with Exhibit A (Legal Description), Exhibits B, C, D, (Future Land Use and Zoning Maps), City of Orlando Fiscal Impact Statement and Orlando Sentinel Notice of Proposed Enactment, Ordinance 2022-65 entitled: An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Orlando, Florida, annexing to the corporate limits of the city certain property generally located north of West Colonial Drive, east of North Pine Hills Road, south of Sun Ray Terrace subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book Y, Page 97 of the public records of Orange County, Florida, and west of Central Florida Fairgrounds Facilities, as recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 10, of the public records of Orange County, Florida, and comprised of 4.67 acres of land, more or less, and amending the city's boundary description; amending the city's adopted growth manag...
1. Receipt of the following items to file for the record: (Clerk’s Office)
a. City of Orlando Council Agenda Item for the meeting of November 7, 2022. City of Orlando Ordinance 2022-65 with Exhibit A (Legal Description), Exhibits B, C, D, (Future Land Use and Zoning Maps), City of Orlando Fiscal Impact Statement and Orlando Sentinel Notice of Proposed Enactment, Ordinance 2022-65 entitled: An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Orlando, Florida, annexing to the corporate limits of the city certain property generally located north of West Colonial Drive, east of North Pine Hills Road, south of Sun Ray Terrace subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book Y, Page 97 of the public records of Orange County, Florida, and west of Central Florida Fairgrounds Facilities, as recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 10, of the public records of Orange County, Florida, and comprised of 4.67 acres of land, more or less, and amending the city's boundary description; amending the city's adopted growth management plan to designate the property as urban activity center on the city's official future land use maps; designating the property as the urban activity center district with the Wekiva Overlay District (AC-2/W) on the city's official zoning maps; providing for amendment of the city's official future land use and zoning maps; providing for severability, correction of scrivener's errors, permit disclaimer, and an effective date.
b. Amendment No. 9 to the Interlocal Agreement Creating the Florida Municipal Power Agency (FMPA) as amended on November 17, 2022, by the FMPA Board of Directors.