Interoffice Memorandum
DATE: November 25, 2024
TO: Mayor Jerry L. Demings and County Commissioners
THROUGH: Mindy T. Cummings, Manager
FROM: Jeffrey Reyes, Senior Acquisition Agent
CONTACT: Mindy T. Cummings, Manager
PHONE: 407-836-7090
DIVISION: Real Estate Management Division
Approval and execution of Purchase Agreement from Florida Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists to Orange County, approval of Warranty Deed, and authorization for the Manager of the Real Estate Management Division to exercise all delegations of authority expressly provided for by the Purchase Agreement, disburse funds, and perform all actions necessary and incidental to closing for Texas Avenue (Holden Ave to Oak Ridge Road) Parcels 1056 and 7056. District 6. (Real Estate Management Division)
PROJECT: Texas Avenue (Holden Ave to Oak Ridge Road) Parcels 1056 and 7056
PURPOSE: To provide for access, construction, operation, and widening of an existing roadway.
Purchase Agreement
(Parcels 1056 and 7056)
Parcel 1056 Size: 8,823 square feet
Parcel 7056 Size: 505 square feet
Warranty Deed
BUDGET: Account No: 1023-072-5121-6110
$632,729.25 - Payable to The Closing City (Purchase price, title insurance, and closing costs)
Real Estate Management Division
County Attorney’s Office
Public Works Department
REMARKS: This action is for the acquisition of a Fee Simple Parcel (Parcel 1056) and a Temporary Construction Easement (Parcel 7056) to facilitate the expansion of a two-lane roadway to an urban divided four-lane roadway.