Interoffice Memorandum
DATE: December 16, 2024
TO: Mayor Jerry L. Demings and County Commissioners
THROUGH: Anne Kulikowski, Director, Administrative Services Department
FROM: Sara Flynn-Kramer, Manager, Capital Projects Division
CONTACT: Sara Flynn-Kramer
PHONE: 407-836-0048
DIVISION: Capital Projects Division
Approval of Change Order No 1, Contract Y24-723 Cassady Building 2nd Floor Atrium Infill and Build-Out, with Poli Construction Inc in the amount of $79,057.55, for a revised lump sum contract amount of $614,379.55. District 6. (Capital Projects Division)
PROJECT: Cassady Building 2nd Floor Atrium Infill and Build-Out
PURPOSE: To provide funding for additional construction services to complete the capital improvements.
BUDGET: Accounting Line Number: 1023-068-3147-3810
The original scope of work planned for the construction to be done during the day and did not include any afterhours work at night. The Neighborhood Services Division wants to remain in the surrounding office areas during construction and has limited relocation options. This change order would allow for the contractor to perform the majority of the construction work afterhours at night which will minimize disruptions, noise, dust, and other potential disturbances during the day. The Manager of the Neighborhood Services Division has requested that this work be done at night.
The Contract award was approved on February 20, 2024.
Original Contract dated May 8, 2024 Lump sum amount - $ 535,322.00
Proposed Change Order No. 1 Lump sum amount - $ 79,057.55
3rd Shift work hours at night
Proposed Final Contract Amount $ 614,379.55