Interoffice Memorandum
DATE: March 4, 2025
TO: Mayor Jerry L. Demings and County Commissioners
FROM: Tanya Wilson, AICP, Director Planning, Environmental, and Development Services Department
CONTACT: Jason Reynolds, AICP, Manager
PHONE: (407) 836-5547
DIVISION: Neighborhood Services Division
Lake Catherine (Tymber Skan on the Lake) Update. (Neighborhood Services Division)
PROJECT: Lake Catherine (Tymber Skan on the Lake) Community Assistance and Redevelopment Project
PURPOSE: On January 28, 2025, staff updated the Board about Tymber Skan on the Lake, a multi-family condominium (condo) complex, plagued by public safety concerns and dilapidated unsafe structures. The presentation covered the following topics: history, existing conditions, and the County’s next steps, and resources for residents. In part, the requested action from the meeting was for authority to terminate Tymber Skan’s condo associations, petition for a receiver, and support for the Lake Catherine Resident Assistance Plan. Ultimately, no action was taken and the Board requested staff have more discussions with property owners and residents about what was being proposed.
On March 11, 2025, staff will provide an update about subsequent engagement with Tymber Skan’s stakeholders, feedback from the community meeting, recently learned information, and a proposed plan to bring this item back to the Board for further consideration.