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The Clerk of the Board is responsible for keeping accurate minutes and maintaining Board records for each Board of County Commissioner (BCC) and Value Adjustment Board (VAB) meeting. In addition, every 4 years, the Clerk of the Board office provides staff support to the Charter Review Commission (CRC) appointed by the BCC. Please contact our office if you need an accessible version of documents on this page, and one will be provided.

Selection options are described below:

1. To search BCC records by meeting date and/or a specific term between September 23, 1869 and December 14, 2010, view the 'BCC Meetings' page.

2. To view BCC records by meeting date between January 4, 2011 through September 22, 2016, scroll down to locate the BCC meeting date.

To search BCC records by a specific term between October 4, 2016 through Present, select the 'Search Records' tab.      

4.    To view VAB records by meeting date between June 20, 2013 through August 21, 2018, scroll down to locate the VAB meeting date. 

5.    To search CRC regular business meeting records by a specific term between February 25, 2019 through Present, select the 'Search Records' tab.

File #: 25-364    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Recommendation Status: Passed
File created: 2/18/2025 In control: Public Works Department
On agenda: 3/11/2025 Final action: 3/11/2025
Title: Approval and execution of (1) State of Florida Department of Transportation Local Agency Program Agreement FPN: 448728-2-58-01 FPN: 448728-2-68-01 and (2) Resolution 2025-M-09 of the Orange County Board of County Commissioners regarding the Local Agency Program Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation for the Orange County Traffic Signal Cabinets Upgrade Phase 2 Project. All Districts. (Traffic Engineering Division)
Attachments: 1. 25-364_3.11.2025_Resolution - LAP Agreement with FDOT for Orange County Traffic Signal Cabinets Upgrade Phase 2 Project, 2. 25-364_3.11.25_ 448728-2-58.68-01 (FY25) LAP - Traffic Signal Cabinets Upgrade Phase 2, 3. 2025-03-11 Public Works Department Consent Item-04, 4. Resolution 2025-M-09
Interoffice Memorandum

DATE: February 18, 2025

TO: Mayor Jerry L. Demings and County Commissioners


FROM: Joseph C. Kunkel, P.E., Director, Public Works Department

CONTACT: Humberto L. Castillero, P.E., PTOE, Manager

PHONE: (407) 836-7891

DIVISION: Traffic Engineering Division

Approval and execution of (1) State of Florida Department of Transportation Local Agency Program Agreement FPN: 448728-2-58-01 FPN: 448728-2-68-01 and (2) Resolution 2025-M-09 of the Orange County Board of County Commissioners regarding the Local Agency Program Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation for the Orange County Traffic Signal Cabinets Upgrade Phase 2 Project. All Districts. (Traffic Engineering Division)


The Traffic Engineering Division requests approval and execution of a Federally Funded Local Agency Program Agreement between the State of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and Orange County to construct the upgrade of traffic signal cabinets at 81 intersections to the latest standards. The project will also include installation of Uninterruptible Power Supply cabinets and communication switches at some of those intersections. The project is funded by the Federal Highway Administration.

Upgrading traffic signal cabinets will replace existing cabinets, which have expired service life, with new cabinets that can house additional equipment and comply with the latest FDOT standards. It will also improve maintenance efficiency and prepare the County for adding new devices to allow data collection, tracking performance measures, and interface with connected and autonomous vehicles.

The total estimated cost for construction and associated Construction Engineering Inspection Services for this project is $5,994,852. The federal funding is $5,059,587 and requires a County funding of $935,265.

The County Attorney's Office and the Public Works Traffic Engineering Division...

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