Interoffice Memorandum
DATE: December 16, 2024
TO: Mayor Jerry L. Demings and County Commissioners
FROM: Joseph C. Kunkel, P.E., Director, Public Works Department
CONTACT: Brian R. Sanders, Manager
PHONE: (407) 836-8022
DIVISION: Transportation Planning Division
Approval and execution of Transportation Impact Fee Agreement regarding an Alternative Impact Fee Calculation for Winter Park Volleyball Club by and between Winter Park Volleyball Academy LLC, Demetree ACE, LLC, and Orange County. District 2. (Transportation Planning Division)
On October 24, 2024 the Alternative Impact Fee Committee approved the alternative transportation impact fee calculation and variables for Winter Park Volleyball Club.
The Alternative Transportation Impact Fee utilizing the above variables is $5,132.75 per thousand square feet. This rate differs from the applicable ordinance rate of $15,731.57 per thousand square feet (per Ordinance Rate Schedule of September 8, 2023).
The Alternative Impact Fee Committee requests the approval of the Transportation Impact Fee Agreement regarding an Alternative Impact Fee Calculation between Orange County and Winter Park Volleyball Club. Additionally, Winter Park Volleyball Club shall pay the County $21,154 for future monitoring for this site. This fee will be used to conduct a follow-up study of the trip generation, trip length, new trips characteristics of the above referenced site, and limited access discount factor as provided for in the Alternative Impact Fee Agreement. This Agreement has been approved in form by the County Attorney’s Office and Risk Management.