Interoffice Memorandum
DATE: August 18, 2024
TO: Mayor Jerry L. Demings and County Commissioners
FROM: Tanya Wilson, AICP, Director, Planning, Environmental, and Development Services Department
CONTACT: Ren?e H. Parker, LEP, Manager, Environmental Protection Officer
PHONE: (407) 836-1420
DIVISION: Environmental Protection Division
Acceptance of the findings and recommendation of the Environmental Protection Division staff and approval of Conservation Area Impact Permit CAI-24-02-010 for John and Bernadine DeMike. District 5. (Environmental Protection Division)
PROJECT: Request for Conservation Area Impact Permit for John and Bernadine DeMike (CAI-24-02-010)
PURPOSE: The applicants, John and Bernadine DeMike, are requesting a Conservation Area Impact Permit to construct a single-family residence. The property is located at 18487 23rd Avenue, Orlando, FL 32833 (Parcel ID No. 22-22-32-0712-24-042) in District 5.
The property is 0.235 acres in size and is located within the Econlockhatchee River Protection Area. The site contains 0.161 acres of Class II wetlands. The wetlands are of moderate to high quality. Pursuant to Chapter 15, Article XI, Section 15-442(f), upland buffers averaging fifty (50) feet in width with a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet in width shall be required for all Class I and II conservation areas. There is a total of 0.217 acres of required upland buffer onsite.
The project is being reviewed under the prior version of Article X, adopted in 1987, since the application was received February 23, 2024, when that Code was in effect.
The applicants are requesting to impact 0.097 acre of the required upland buffer and 0.083 acre of secondary impacts to a Class II wetland, to construct a single-family residence that includes the home, small yard, septic system, and stormwater management system. The resulting developed area for the residence will total 0.235 acre of the 0.52-ac...
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