Interoffice Memorandum
DATE: February 18, 2025
TO: Mayor Jerry L. Demings and County Commissioners
FROM: Ed Torres, M.S., P.E., LEED AP, Director, Utilities
CONTACT: Ben Yoakum, Ph.D., P. E., Project Manager
PHONE: 407-254-9598
DIVISION: Water Division
Approval and execution of Master License Agreement by and between Orange County and Florida State University Board of Trustees for research projects on Orange County Utilities’ properties and authorization for the Director of Orange County Utilities to review materials or information produced by the research, furnish notices required under the Master License Agreement, and execute term extensions and Statements of Work according to the terms of the Master License Agreement. All Districts. (Water Division)
PURPOSE: The Florida State University Board of Trustees (FSU) is acting for the benefit of and on behalf of Florida State University. FSU has requested a right-of-entry license for access to Orange County Utilities’ (OCU) property to perform FSU research projects and collect data related to research purposes. Research at OCU has the potential to improve facility treatment processes, as well as benefit other utilities and the water, wastewater, and solid waste management industries at large.
The proposed Master License Agreement provides the framework governing FSU research projects performed on OCU properties, to include Statements of Work to be completed for each research project on OCU property, research data transfer requirements to protect the security of County utilities, and County-review rights of the materials produced as a result of FSU’s research.
The County Attorney’s Office and Risk Management Division have reviewed the agreement and find it acceptable as to form. Utilities Department staff has reviewed the agreement and recommends approval.