Interoffice Memorandum
DATE: February 18, 2025
TO: Mayor Jerry L. Demings and County Commissioners
THROUGH: Mindy T. Cummings, Manager
FROM: Maria Esham, Senior Acquisition Agent
CONTACT: Mindy T. Cummings, Manager
PHONE: 407-836-7090
DIVISION: Real Estate Management Division
Approval and execution of Agreement for Sale and Purchase by and between Jo Anna Emanuel and Orange County, Florida, approval of Warranty Deed, and authorization for the Manager of the Real Estate Management Division to exercise all delegations of authority expressly provided by the Agreement for Sale and Purchase, disburse funds to pay purchase price in the amount of $19,112.28, and perform all actions necessary and incidental to closing for Green PLACE Parcel 256A. District 5. (Real Estate Management Division)
PROJECT: Green PLACE Parcel 256A
PURPOSE: To preserve Environmental Sensitive Lands (ESL).
Agreement for Sale and Purchase
(Parcel 256A)
Cost: $19,112.28
Size: 2.33 acres
Warranty Deed
(Instrument 256A.1)
BUDGET: Account No. 1023-068-4303-6110
FUNDS: $19,112.28- Payable to Cobblestone Title Services, LLC (purchase price, title insurance, and closing costs)
Real Estate Management Division
Environmental Protection Division
REMARKS: The property is located north of SR 50 and west of S. Tanner Road in Orlando, Florida with a physical address of E. Colonial Drive, Orlando, Florida identified by Parcel ID No.: 19-22-32-7876-01-170 ("Property") (see map attached - area in light purple). Property is slightly irregular in shape, vacant, and zoned A-2, Farmland Rural, with a Rural future land use. Property contains 2.33 acres and consists of all wetlands per the Land Cover map provided by EPD. Property is located within Zone "AE" of FEMA Flood Map 12095C0285F.
This action adds 2.33 acres of ESL to the Environmental Protection Division's Green PLACE Program. Property meets the evaluation and selection criteria...
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