Receipt of the following items to file for the record: (Clerk’s Office)
a. Florida Public Service Commission Consummating Order. In re: Petition for approval of new my energy bill+ program with income qualified component, by Duke Energy Florida, LLC.
b. Florida Public Service Commission Consummating Order. In re: Petition for limited proceeding to approve rate reductions associated with the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, by Duke Energy Florida, LLC.
c. Florida Public Service Commission Consummating Order. In re: Petition for limited proceeding to approve refund and rate reduction resulting from implementation of Inflation Reduction Act, by Florida Power & Light Company.
d. City of Orlando Voluntary Annexation Request: 12525 and 12569 Narcoossee Rd. - ANX2022-10007 Ordinance 2022-72. The public hearing and request for second ordinance reading is scheduled for the City Council meeting to be held January 23, 2023. The first reading of this ordinance was held on January 9, 2023. Ordinance 2022-72 Notice of Proposed Enactment. On Monday, January 23, 2023, the Orlando City Council will consider proposed Ordinance #2022-72, entitled an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Orlando, Florida, annexing to the corporate limits of the City certain land generally located east of Narcoossee Road, south of Vickrey Place, and west of Lake Whippoorwill, and comprised of 16.8 acres of land, more or less, amending the city's adopted growth management plan to designate the property as urban village, in part, and conservation, in part, on the City's official future land use map, and to establish a subarea policy to provide development standards; providing for consent to the municipal services taxing unit for Lake Whippoorwill; providing for amendment of the City's Growth Management Plan; providing for severability, correction of scrivener's errors and an effective date.
e. Orange County Comptroller Annual Investment Report for the year ended September 30, 2022.