Interoffice Memorandum
DATE: October 28, 2024
TO: Mayor Jerry L. Demings and County Commissioners
THROUGH: Venerria L. Thomas, Director
FROM: Angela A. Chestang, Manager
CONTACT: Angela Chestang
PHONE: 407-836-6541
DIVISION: Citizens Commission for Children Division
Approval and execution of Resolution 2024-M-51 of the Orange County Board of County Commissioners regarding the Citizens' Review Panel for Human Services; Amending Resolution No. 96-M-59, as amended by Resolution No. 97-M-54; Decreasing Number of Panel Members; Revising Funding Recommendation Process; and providing an effective date. (Citizens' Commission for Children Division)
PURPOSE: During the October 16, 2020, Citizens' Review Panel for Human Services (CRP) Sunset Review meeting, the Membership and Mission Review Board (MMRB) supported a recommendation to amend Resolution No. 97-M-54 by removing outdated language regarding the composition of the CRP. After legal review, a draft amendment was presented to the MMRB on September 15, 2023, for their approval. The MMRB unanimously approved the proposed draft amendment and recommended that the draft amendment be forwarded to the Board for final approval, which is the purpose of the action requested.
On January 30, 1996, the Board established the CRP to promote citizen involvement in evaluating, recommending, and monitoring County funding for non-profit human service agencies. This initiative was a collaborative effort between the City of Orlando and Orange County Government, with each entity responsible for recruiting citizen volunteers to serve on the Panel. In Orange County, volunteers are selected through the MMRB and appointed by the Board. In 2015, the City of Orlando opted to conduct its funding recommendation process independently, withdrawing from the joint funding allocation process with Orange County. This change necessitates an update to the resolution to better reflect the current oper...
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