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The Clerk of the Board is responsible for keeping accurate minutes and maintaining Board records for each Board of County Commissioner (BCC) and Value Adjustment Board (VAB) meeting. In addition, every 4 years, the Clerk of the Board office provides staff support to the Charter Review Commission (CRC) appointed by the BCC. Please contact our office if you need an accessible version of documents on this page, and one will be provided.

Selection options are described below:

1. To search BCC records by meeting date and/or a specific term between September 23, 1869 and December 14, 2010, view the 'BCC Meetings' page.

2. To view BCC records by meeting date between January 4, 2011 through September 22, 2016, scroll down to locate the BCC meeting date.

To search BCC records by a specific term between October 4, 2016 through Present, select the 'Search Records' tab.      

4.    To view VAB records by meeting date between June 20, 2013 through August 21, 2018, scroll down to locate the VAB meeting date. 

5.    To search CRC regular business meeting records by a specific term between February 25, 2019 through Present, select the 'Search Records' tab.

Meeting Name: Board of County Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 8/20/2019 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: County Commission Chambers
Published agenda: Clerk's Agenda and Records Report Clerk's Agenda and Records Report Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Approved Minutes Not available  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Presentation Discussion 2020 Legislative Priorities, Presentation Discussion SHIP and LHAP Resolution, Presentation Work Session Metropolitan Bureau Investigation Overview, Presentation Work Session Golf Carts on Public Rights of Way, Presentation Public Hearing PTV 19-01-001, Presentation Public Hearing PTV 19-05-016, Presentation Public Hearing Dawson-Lake Jasmine Shoreline Alteration, Presentation Public Hearing Meads-Lake Burkett Shoreline Alteration, Presentation Public Hearings Combined Lake Reams PD_Developco, Presentation Public Hearing Ordinance Dedications & Conveyances of Real Property, Presentation Public Hearings, Public Speaker Cards, Public Comment Submittal 1 Kerby Louis, Public Comment Exhibit 1 Sally Baptiste
File #Ver.Agenda #Board or CommissionTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
19-1255 11. Record/MinutesApproval of the minutes of the July 16, 2019 meeting of the Board of County Commissioners. (Clerk’s Office)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1256 12. Budget/FundingApproval of the check register authorizing the most recently disbursed County funds, having been certified that same have not been drawn on overexpended accounts. Periods are as follows: August 2, 2019, to August 8, 2019; $47,644,099.83 August 9, 2019, to August 15, 2019; $40,314,256.82. (Finance/Accounting)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1257 13. Budget/FundingDisposition of Tangible Personal Property as follows. (Property/Accounting) a. Scrap assets. b. Remove stolen asset. c. Trade-in asset towards the purchase of new equipment. d. Remove lost assets. e. Remove destroyed asset. f. Dispose of assets not found during previous inventory cycles.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1258 11. Budget/FundingApproval and execution of 1) U.S. Department of Justice/Florida Department of Law Enforcement Certificate of Acceptance Training Scenario Simulation Software Subgrant Award Number 2019-JAGC-ORAN-8-N2-144 in the amount of $60,500 for the period of October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019 and 2) U.S. Department of Justice/Florida Department of Law Enforcement Certificate of Acceptance Intelligence Surveillance Operations Subgrant Award Number 2019-JAGC-ORAN-10-N2-147 in the amount of $15,500 for the period of October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1259 11. AppointmentConfirmation of the County Mayor's staff reappointments for the third quarter, April - June FY 2018-2019. (Human Resources Division) - Yolanda Brown, Manager, Fiscal and Operational Support, Community and Family Services - Deodat Budhu, Manager, Roads and Drainage, Public Works - Carrie Fydenkevez Mathes, Manager, Procurement, Administrative Services - Mitchell Glasser, Manager, Housing and Community Development, Planning, Environmental, and Development Services - David Gregory, Manager, Solid Waste, Utilities - Reed Knowlton, Manager, Fiscal and Operational Support, Administrative Services - Anne Kulikowski, Director, Administrative Services - Julie Naditz, Manager, Highway Construction, Public Works - Renzo Nastasi, Manager, Transportation Planning, Planning, Environmental, and Development Services - Kurt Petersen, Manager, Office of Management and Budget, Administration and Fiscal Services - Joel Prinsell, Deputy County Attorney, Legal Department, County Administration - Teresa Remudo, Deputy Director, Utilities - Anthony Rios, Division Chief, Infrastructure and AssApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1260 12. Agreement/ContractApproval and execution of Affiliation Agreement between Orange County, Florida and The Florida State University Board of Trustees related to Experiential Learning Placement Program with a term ending December 31, 2019, and authorization for the Mayor or designee to execute any amendments to this Agreement. (Human Resources Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1261 13. Agreement/ContractApproval and execution of Affiliation Agreement between Orange County, Florida and the University of Central Florida Board of Trustees related to Experiential Learning Placement Program with a term ending December 31, 2023, and authorization for the Mayor or designee to execute any amendments to this Agreement. (Human Resources Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1262 14. Agreement/ContractApproval and execution of Affiliation Agreement between Orange County, Florida and Rollins College related to Experiential Learning Placement Program with a term ending December 31, 2019, and authorization for the Mayor or designee to execute any amendments to this Agreement. (Human Resources Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1263 25. Budget/FundingApproval to pay the Clerk of Courts $150,000 for FY 2019-20 communication expenses. (Office of Management and Budget)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1264 16. Budget/FundingApproval for the Orange County Sheriff’s Office to spend $2,500 from the FY 2019 Law Enforcement Trust Fund to provide an eligible contribution to Camaraderie Foundation. (Office of Management and Budget)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1265 17. Budget/FundingApproval of budget amendments #19-43, #19-44, and #19-45. (Office of Management and Budget)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1266 18. Budget/FundingApproval of budget transfer #19C-0158. (Office of Management and Budget)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1267 19. Budget/FundingApproval of CIP amendment #19C-0158. (Office of Management and Budget)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1268 11. Bid/RFPApproval to award Invitation for Bids Y19-114-MV, Class 8 Vehicle Parts and Repairs, to the low responsive and responsible bidder, Rush Truck Centers of Florida, Inc. dba Rush Truck Center Orlando for Lots A through D. The estimated contract award amount is $3,928,500 for a 3-year term. ([Utilities Department Solid Waste Division] Procurement Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1269 12. Bid/RFPApproval to award Invitation for Bids Y19-1016-MV, Traffic Control Devices Rental, to the low responsive and responsible bidders, Bob’s Barricades, Inc. and Storm Companies, Inc. The estimated contract award amount is $3,309,312.30 and $3,643,950, respectively for 3-year terms. ([Utilities Department Field Services Division] Procurement Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1270 13. Bid/RFPApproval to award Invitation for Bids Y19-1070-MV, Liquid Carbon Dioxide, to the sole responsive and responsible bidder, Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc. The estimated contract award amount is $1,109,400 for a 1-year term. ([Utilities Department Water Division] Procurement Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1271 14. Bid/RFPApproval to award Invitation for Bids Y19-1094-TJ, Supply Delivery of Sod for Public Works, to the sole responsive and responsible bidder, JHL Landscape Supply, LLC. The estimated contract award amount is $2,132,250 for a 3-year term. ([Public Works Department Roads and Drainage Division] Procurement Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1272 15. Bid/RFPApproval to award Invitation for Bids Y19-1141-PD, Locksmith Services, to the sole responsive and responsible bidder, TFL Orlando, LLC. The estimated contract award amount is $271,750 for a 1-year term. ([Utilities Department Fiscal and Operational Support Division] Procurement Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1273 16. Bid/RFPApproval to award Invitation for Bids Y19-720-CH, Holden Avenue Improvements (from John Young Parkway to Orange Blossom Trail), to the low responsive and responsible bidder, Jr. Davis Construction Company, Inc. The estimated contract award amount is $22,147,088 (Alternate Bid). ([Public Works Department Engineering Division] Procurement Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1274 17. Bid/RFPApproval to award Invitation for Bids Y19-750-JS, Orange County Convention Center Campus South Access/Tradeshow Boulevard Improvements, to the low responsive and responsible bidder, Stage Door II, Inc. The total contract award amount is $1,858,981.45, inclusive of bid additive. ([Convention Center Facility Operations Division] Procurement Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1275 18. Bid/RFPApproval to award Invitation for Bids Y19-751-CH, Connector Road (from Hilton Driveway to Apopka Vineland Road) Intersection Improvements, to the sole responsive and responsible bidder, Jr. Davis Construction Company, Inc. The estimated contract award amount is $9,733,210.05. ([Public Works Department Engineering Division] Procurement Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1276 19. Bid/RFPApproval to award Invitation for Bids Y19-752-RC, Orange County Health Department TB Clinic HVAC Replacement and Blood Draw Lab HVAC Modifications, to the low responsive and responsible bidder, Key Mechanical Services, Inc. The total contract award amount is $198,000. ([Administrative Services Department Capital Projects Division] Procurement Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1277 110. Bid/RFPApproval to award Invitation for Bids Y19-755-RC, Orange County Corrections Site Lighting Improvements, to the low responsive and responsible bidder, Café Construction & Development, Inc. The total contract award amount is $1,555,000. ([Administrative Services Department Capital Projects Division] Procurement Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1278 111. Bid/RFPApproval to award Invitation for Bids Y19-756-RC, UF Cooperative Extension Educational Center Auditorium HVAC Replacement, to the low responsive and responsible bidder, MVB & Associates, Inc. The total contract award amount is $159,617. ([Administrative Services Department Capital Projects Division] Procurement Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1279 112. Bid/RFPApproval to award Invitation for Bids Y19-757-RC, Internal Operations II Chiller Replacement, to the low responsive and responsible bidder, Air Mechanical & Service Corp. The total contract award amount is $479,000. ([Administrative Services Department Capital Projects Division] Procurement Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1280 113. Bid/RFPApproval to award Invitation for Bids Y19-771-JS, Orange County Convention Center West Building Office Space Build-out, to the low responsive and responsible bidder, T & G Constructors. The total contract award amount is $1,160,000. ([Convention Center Facility Operations Division] Procurement Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1281 114. Bid/RFPApproval to award Invitation for Bids Y19-775-JS, Orange County Convention Center Network Wellness Room Build-outs, to the low responsive and responsible bidder, EPS Contractor Group, Corp. The total contract award amount is $625,500. ([Convention Center Facility Operations Division] Procurement Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1282 115. Bid/RFPApproval of Purchase Order M97592, Courthouse 14th Floor Chambers Build-out Project, with Rhodes + Brito Architects, Inc., in the amount of $284,833.09. ([Administrative Services Department Capital Projects Division] Procurement Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1283 116. Budget/FundingApproval of Amendment No. 1, Contract Y19-2001, Family Counseling Position in Support of the Bithlo/Christmas Neighborhood Center for Families (NCF), with Aspire Health Partners, Inc., in the amount of $53,756, for a revised total contract amount of $577,511. ([Community and Family Services Department Citizens’ Commission for Children Division] Procurement Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1284 117. Budget/FundingApproval of Amendment No. 1, Contract Y19-2031, Prevention and Outreach Program, with Victim Service Center of Central Florida, Inc., in the amount of $54,735, for a revised total contract amount of $291,446. ([Community and Family Services Department Citizens’ Commission for Children Division] Procurement Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1285 118. Budget/FundingApproval to award Human Service Contracts for Children’s Services, Y19-2000 Series Fiscal Year 2019-2020, for various services, in the total amount of $4,318,273.84 for a 1-year term. Further request authorization for the Procurement Division to renew the contracts for two additional 1-year terms. ([Community and Family Services Department Citizens’ Commission for Children Division] Procurement Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1286 119. Agreement/ContractApproval and execution of Termination of Denton Johnson Center Lease Agreement by and between Town of Eatonville, Florida and Orange County, Florida for Denton Johnson Center (Head Start) 400 Ruffel Street, Eatonville, Florida 32751 Lease File #10053. District 2. (Real Estate Management Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1287 120. Agreement/ContractApproval and execution of Orlando Utilities Commission Utility Easement from Orange County to Orlando Utilities Commission and City of Orlando and authorization to record instrument for Woodland Park Phase 2 (OUC Easement). District 4. (Real Estate Management Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1288 121. Agreement/ContractApproval and execution of Shared Use Pond Easement Agreement between Hilton Resorts Corporation and Orange County, Shared Use Pond Easement Agreement between Pulte Home Company, LLC and Orange County, and Shared Use Pond Easement Agreement between Adventist Health System/Sunbelt, Inc. and Orange County, approval of Subordination of Encumbrances from Hilton Resorts Corporation to Orange County with Joinder of Parc Soleil Vacation Owners Association, Inc. and authorization to perform all actions necessary and incidental to closing for Palm Parkway Connector (RIFCC). District 1. (Real Estate Management Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1289 122. Agreement/ContractApproval of Easement Purchase Agreement between Hunter’s Creek Community Association, Inc. and Orange County, Florida, approval and execution of Utility Easement Agreement between Hunter's Creek Community Association, Inc. and Orange County, Florida, and authorization to disburse funds to pay purchase price and recording fees and record instrument for Pump Station 3497 (Town Center Parkway). District 1. (Real Estate Management Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1290 123. Agreement/ContractApproval of Utility Easement from Timmus Storage I, LLC to Orange County and authorization to record instrument for Ocoee Self-Storage Commercial Permit: 18-U-125 OCU File #97346. District 2. (Real Estate Management Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1291 11. AppointmentAcceptance of University of Florida’s appointment of Dr. John W. Roberts as Orange County Extension Agent I, Residential Horticulture/Master Gardener Coordinator. All Districts. (Cooperative Extension Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1292 12. Application/LicenseApproval and execution of Florida Department of Children and Families Application for a License to operate a Child Care Facility at Taft Head Start. This application is only executed by Orange County. (Head Start Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1293 13. Record/MinutesReceipt and filing of Head Start Policy Council Program Information and Updates July 2019 and Head Start Policy Council Meeting Minutes June 20, 2019 for the official county record. (Head Start Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1294 11. Agreement/ContractApproval and execution of Agreement between Harbor House of Central Florida, Inc. and Orange County, Florida for Early Victim Engagement Team Project Services for a period of one year to continue to provide services for domestic violence victims.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1295 11. ResolutionApproval and execution of Orange County, Florida, Resolutions Establishing Special Assessment Liens for Lot Cleaning Services and approval to record Special Assessment Liens on property cleaned by Orange County, pursuant to Orange County Code, Chapter 28, Nuisances, Article II, Lot Cleaning. All Districts. (Code Enforcement Division) LC 19-0665 LC 19-0742 LC 19-0725 LC 19-0783 LC 19-0677 LC 19-0691 LC 19-0743 LC 19-0728 LC 19-0594 LC 19-0680 LC 19-0583 LC 19-0747 LC 19-0729 LC 19-0635 LC 19-0681 LC 19-0637 LC 19-0752 LC 19-0738 LC 19-0646 LC 19-0702 LC 19-0687 LC 19-0662 LC 19-0775 LC 19-0648 LC 19-0703 LC 19-0692 LC 19-0697 LC 19-0721 LC 19-0670 LC 19-0704 LC 19-0705 LC 19-0706 LC 19-0658 LC 19-0673 LC 19-0712 LC 19-0739 LC 19-0723 LC 19-0694 LC 19-0675 LC 19-0716ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1296 12. ResolutionApproval and execution of Resolution 2019-M-32 of the Orange County Board of County Commissioners regarding the adoption of a process and standards of review to award the Local Government Areas of Opportunity Funding. All Districts. (Housing and Community Development Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1297 13. Agreement/ContractApproval and execution of Adequate Public Facilities Agreement for Lake Reams Neighborhood PD/Developco Inc Property (Reams Road and Fiquette Road) by and between Developco Inc and Orange County for the conveyance of 3.51 acres of Adequate Public Facilities Land providing $78,975 in transportation impact fee credits. District 1. (Roadway Agreement Committee)   Action details Not available
19-1298 11. Budget/FundingApproval of Change Order Request No. 3-PW, Contract Y18-770-EB, Little Wekiva River Erosion Control Project North of Edgewater Drive, with Condor Construction Corp., in the amount of $125,789.72, for a revised total contract amount of $2,496,310.72. District 2. (Highway Construction Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1299 12. RecommendationAuthorization to record the plat of Flamingo Crossings West. District 1. (Development Engineering Division)ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1300 11. Agreement/ContractApproval and execution of Westgate Resorts Wastewater Flow Monitoring Agreement by and between Westgate Resorts, LTD. and Orange County for an initial 10-year period to monitor wastewater discharges from the facility. District 6.ApprovedPass Action details Not available
19-1301 11. Record/MinutesReceipt of the following items to file for the record: (Clerk’s Office) a. City of Orlando Ordinance with Exhibit A (Legal Description Form), Exhibits B, C, D (Future Land Use and Zoning Maps), Exhibit E (Parcel ID Map for 12621 Narcoossee Road; Parcel ID 20-24-31-0000-00-017), and Orlando Sentinel Notice of Proposed Enactment for Ordinance 2019-36. Ordinance No. 2019-36 entitled: An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Orlando, Florida, annexing to the corporate limits of the City certain land generally located east of Narcoossee Road, north of Waterline Road, and west of Lake Whippoorwill, and comprised of 2.89 acres of land, more or less, and amending the City's boundary description; amending the City's adopted growth management plan to designate the property as Urban Village on the City's Official Future Land Use Maps; amending the boundaries and text of Growth Management Plan subarea policy S.40.9 to include the property in the Southeast Orlando sector plan; designating the property as the Planned Development Zoning District on the City's Official Zoning Maps; providiReceived and Filed  Action details Not available
19-1302 11. RecommendationApproval of 2020 Legislative Priorities. (Legislative Affairs Office)ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
19-1303 11. Bid/RFPSelection of one firm and an alternate to provide Professional Engineering Design Services for Little Wekiva River-Lake Lotus Park Regional Stormwater Treatment Facility, Request for Proposals Y19-820-RM, from the following two firms, listed alphabetically: - CDM Smith, Inc. - Cribb Philbeck Weaver Group, Inc. ([Planning, Environmental, and Development Services Department Environmental Protection Division] Procurement Division)ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
19-1305 11. Report/UpdateMetropolitan Bureau of Investigation Overview.No Action  Action details Video Video
19-1304 11. ResolutionApproval and execution of Resolution of the Orange County Board of County Commissioners regarding Orange County Local Housing Assistance Plan under the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program for State Fiscal Years 2018-2019, 2019-2020, and 2020-2021. All Districts. (Housing and Community Development Division)ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
19-1306 11. Report/UpdateGolf Carts on Public Rights of Way. All Districts. (Traffic Engineering Division)No Action  Action details Video Video
19-1307 11. RecommendationJuly 18, 2019 Planning and Zoning Commission RecommendationsApprovedPass Action details Video Video
19-1308 12. RecommendationAugust 1, 2019 Board of Zoning Adjustment RecommendationsApprovedPass Action details Video Video
19-1154 11. Public HearingPetition to Vacate Jeffrey Himmelrich, Petition to Vacate 19-01-001, vacate a portion of a utility easement; District 4ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
19-1155 12. Public HearingPetition to Vacate Bill Greene, on behalf of Ella 34 LLC, Petition to Vacate 19-05-016, vacate a portion of an unopened, unimproved right-of-way; District 2ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
19-1159 13. Public HearingShoreline Alteration/Dredge and Fill Donald and Marion Dawson, Lake Jessamine, permit, SADF # 19-03-003; District 3ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
19-1161 14. Public HearingShoreline Alteration/Dredge and Fill Michael and Cheryl Meads, Lake Burkett, permit, SADF # 19-05-009; District 5ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
19-1077 25. Public HearingPlanning and Zoning Commission Appeal James R. Morrison, Florida Manufactured Home Sales, LLC, Case # RZ-19-06-015; District 5ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
19-1148 16. Public HearingPreliminary Subdivision Plan Adam Smith, VHB, Inc., Waterleigh Planned Development / Waterleigh Village Center Parcel 13 Preliminary Subdivision Plan, Case # PSP-18-09-302; District 1ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
19-1149 17. Public HearingPreliminary Subdivision Plan Larry Poliner, RCE Consultants, LLC, Rainbow Ridge Planned Development / Rainbow Ridge Preliminary Subdivision Plan, Case # PSP-15-10-304; District 2ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
19-1163 18. Public HearingPreliminary Subdivision Plan Steve Mellich, Mellich Blenden Engineering, Inc., Avalon Park Planned Development / Avalon Town Center Townhomes Preliminary Subdivision Plan, Case # PSP-18-12-403; District 4ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
19-855 111. Public HearingSubstantial Change Adam Smith, VHB, Inc., Lake Reams Neighborhood Planned Development / Land Use Plan (PD / LUP), Case # CDR-15-10-293, amend plan; District 1 (Continued from June 18, 2019)RemandedPass Action details Not available
19-1297 13. Agreement/ContractApproval and execution of Adequate Public Facilities Agreement for Lake Reams Neighborhood PD/Developco Inc Property (Reams Road and Fiquette Road) by and between Developco Inc and Orange County for the conveyance of 3.51 acres of Adequate Public Facilities Land providing $78,975 in transportation impact fee credits. District 1. (Roadway Agreement Committee)Continued  Action details Not available
19-854 19. Public HearingPreliminary Subdivision Plan Adam Smith, VHB, Inc., Lake Reams Neighborhood Planned Development / DevelopCo - Reams Road Preliminary Subdivision Plan, Case # PSP-16-12-421; District 1 (Continued from June 18, 2019)Remanded  Action details Video Video
19-853 110. Public HearingConservation Area Impact Developco, Inc., permit; District 1 (Continued from June 18, 2019)Remanded  Action details Not available
19-1080 112. Public HearingSubstantial Change Nizam Kahn, World Center Plaza, LLC; Marriot World Center Planned Development/ Land Use Plan (PD/LUP) - Case # CDR-19-01-000; amend plan; District 1ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
19-1146 113. Public HearingSubstantial Change Adam Smith, VHB, Inc., Waterleigh Planned Development / Waterleigh Phase 3 Preliminary Subdivision Plan (PSP), Case # CDR-19-06-227, amend plan; District 1ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
19-1147 114. Public HearingSubstantial Change Matt Young, Taylor Morrison Homes, AIPO - South Orange Properties Planned Development/ AIPO - South Orange Woodland Park Phase 10 Preliminary Subdivision Plan (PSP), Case # CDR-19-06-199, amend plan; District 4ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
19-1152 115. Public HearingSubstantial Change Scott Gentry, Kelly, Collins & Gentry, Inc., Hamlin Planned Development - Unified Neighborhood Plan / Proton Therapy Center Preliminary Subdivision Plan (PSP), Case #CDR-19-03-086, amend plan; District 1ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
19-1153 116. Public HearingSubstantial Change Thomas Sullivan, Gray Robinson, P.A., Grassmere Reserve Planned Development / Land Use Plan (PD / LUP) - Case # CDR-19-04-133, amend plan; District 2ApprovedPass Action details Video Video
19-1074 117. Public HearingOrdinance Amending Orange County Code, Chapter 2, Article VII, pertaining to Dedications and Conveyances of Real Property to the County; All DistrictsAdoptedPass Action details Video Video