the motion as follows: to accept the Final Report of the Governmental Structure Committee; and
further, move the topic to the first public hearing. The motion carried by the following vote:
Aye: 13 - Member Jackson, Member de la Portilla, Member Winesburgh, Member Callan,
Member Arias, Member Wynn, Member Hartage, Member Chira, Member Grimmer, Member
Bagga, Member O'Neal, Member Stoccardo, and Member Adamson Profit
Absent: 2 - Member Batchelor, and Member Riley
Committee Chair de la Portilla asked if the motion the CRC voted on was the first public hearing.
CRC Chair Hartage indicated the motion was only to accept the report of the committee and
stated there will be two public hearings held to consider and vote on the recommendation. CRC
General Counsel Vose explained this recommendation of the Governmental Structure Committee
will hold the first of two public hearings later in tonight's agenda. CRC Chair Hartage explained
the adopted bylaws allows the CRC to hold the public hearing and acceptance of the final report
at the same meeting. CRC Chair Hartage stated that tonight's scheduled public hearings were
properly noticed. Discussion ensued.
Committee Chair Callan thanked CRC Members Rishi Bagga, Eric Grimmer, Chuck O'Neal, and
Eugene Stoccardo for serving on the committee. He also thanked County Staff who attended the
committee meetings and participated in drafting the language to the proposed amendment.
Committee Chair Callan provided a brief overview of the committee's work over the past several
months. Committee Chair Callan explained the concept behind the Transportation Mobility
Advisory Commission ("TransMAC"), is to review public transportation and consider new
innovative transportation technologies and emerging markets. He added the purpose is to have a
procedure in place, that any expenditure on transportation for an upcoming budget, must first be
reviewed, publicly, in an open setting, by the Transportation Mobility Advisory Commission.
Committee Chair Callan informed that the committee voted unanimously to advance this topic to
the full CRC for consideration. Committee Chair Callan highlighted some of the functions and
duties of the TransMAC such as Transportation Expenditure Review and Recommendation,
Mobility Evolution and Enhancement, Mandatory Review of Transportation Funding, Membership
Number and Composition, Appointment, Nomination, and Term Reappointments, Staffing and
Staff assistance. Discussion ensued amongst the CRC members regarding the definition of
transportation, monitoring projects until their completion, the transportation sales tax initiative,
transportation impact fees, sustainability of the County's transportation system, the difference
between TransMAC and Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC), and a transparent
transportation commission for the citizens.
A motion was made by Committee Chair Callan, seconded by CRC Chair Hartage, to accept the
Final Report of the Transportation Committee; and further, move the item to the first reading
public hearing. The motion carried by the following vote:
12 -
Member Adamson Profit, Member de la Portilla, Member Grimmer, Member
Jackson, Member Hartage, Member Chira, Member Bagga, Member Callan,
Member Wynn, Member Stoccardo, Member O'Neal, and Member Winesburgh
3 - Member Batchelor, Member Arias, and Member Riley
VII. Committee Recommendation Public Hearings