Homelessness Outreach, Prevention, and Diversion, Federal Subrecipient
Agreement, with Samaritan Resource Center, Inc., in the amount of
$499,787, for a revised total contract amount of $3,091,129.11.
([Community and Family Services Department Mental Health and
Homelessness Division] Procurement Division)
Approval of Contract Y24-2226, Hospital-Based Registered Nurse
Coordinated Opioid Recovery Program, with Orlando Health, Inc., in the
estimated contract award amount of $220,000 for a one-year term. Further
request Board authorization for the Procurement Division to renew the
contract for two additional one-year terms. [(Health Services Department
Office for a Drug Free Community) Procurement Division]
Approval to award Invitation for Bids Y24-789-ZR, Emergency Orange
County Courthouse Fire Pump Replacement, to the sole responsive and
responsible bidder, Johnson Controls Fire Protection LP, in the total
contract award amount of $621,850. ([Administration Services Department
Facilities Management Division] Procurement Division)
Approval to award Invitation for Bids Y24-104-MV, Household Hazardous
Waste Collection and Disposal, to the low responsive and responsible
bidder, Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc., in the estimated
contract award amount of $1,090,249 for a one-year term. Further request
Board authorization for the Procurement Division to renew the contract for
four additional one-year terms. ([Utilities Department Solid Waste Division]
Procurement Division)
Approval to award Invitation for Bids Y24-1025-JA, Weed Control Services
for the Orange County Pump Stations Lot 1, to the low responsive and
responsible bidder Seasonal Effects LLC in the estimated contract award
amount of $416,160 for a five-year term, Lot 2, to the low responsive and
responsible bidder Airboat Addicts, Inc. in the estimated contract award
amount of $567,600 for a five-year term, and Lot 3, to the low responsive
and responsible bidder Seasonal Effects LLC. in the estimated contract
award amount of $296,640 for a five-year term. In the event the bidder
recommended above fails to achieve timely compliance with pre-award
deliverables, as defined in the Invitation for Bids, including, but not limited
to, M/WBE participation sub-contract agreements, State Division of
Corporations registration, E-verify, insurance and bonds, further request
authorization for the Procurement Division to award to the next low
responsive and responsible bidder as listed in the bid tabulation herein, to
the extent practicable and advantageous to the County. ([Utilities
Department Field Services Division] Procurement Division)
Ratification of Change Order No. 3, Purchase Order No. M112164,
Biosolids Management - South Water Reclamation Facility, with
CompostUSA of Sumter County, LLC, in the amount of $731,984.80, for a
revised total amount of $2,425,584.80. ([Utilities Department Water
Reclamation Division] Procurement Division)
Approval of Contract Y25-2201, The Central Receiving Center System of
Care, with Aspire Health Partners, Inc., in the estimated contract award